by Dulce D. Elazegui (ELP 2003) | University Researcher, Center for Strategic Planning and Policy Studies, University of the Philippines Los Baños
I am currently working as University Researcher at the Center for Strategic Planning and Policy Studies, College of Public Affairs and Development (CPAf), University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB), Laguna, Philippines. My research interests include policy and governance in natural resources, water and environment; science and technology; and food and agriculture. Since I finished ELP in 2003, I have been heavily involved in research and extension work on water governance, food security, and climate change adaptation. I have been working closely with Dr. Agnes C. Rola (ELP 2001) and Dr. Merlyne M. Paunlagui (ELP 2013), also with CPAf-UPLB; and Dr. Ma. Victoria O. Espaldon (ELP 2001) with the School of Environmental Science and Management, UPLB.
My research has been in collaboration with international organizations such as the United States Agency for International Aid (USAID); Asia-Pacific Network (APN), International Development Research Council (IDRC), and Sustainable Mekong Research Network (SUMERNET)/Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI).
I am currently involved in a five-year project under USAID entitled ‘Water Security under Climate Risks: A Philippine Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for the Agriculture Sector’ led by Dr. Rola. I serve as the Policy and Institution Specialist while Dr. Paunlagui serves as the Monitoring and Evaluation and Gender Specialist. Now on its last year, the project focuses on rice-based agricultural systems in the Bicol River Basin, one of the major basins in the Philippines highly vulnerable to climate variability, floods and drought. The project involves partnership with academia, national government agencies, local government units, local water authority, and irrigators associations. It is a result-based project aiming at enhanced capacities of farmers to adapt to climate variability and change, adoption of farmers and other stakeholders of climate decision support tools, and improved climate risk resilient water governance. The International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) of Columbia University, U.S.A. is our research partner; they provide expertise on decision support tools for farmers, water managers, and local policy makers. We have been working with IRI since mid-2000 on policy and institutional landscaping for climate risk management with the Angat reservoir as a pilot case.
Dr. Rola and I are also currently part of the UPLB team collaborating with the National Water Resources Board towards crafting the Philippines National Water Security Roadmap. Among the various issues and concerns, our particular input is on strategies towards improved water governance.
I have also co-authored a chapter on irrigation in the book entitled “Water Policy in the Philippines: Issues, Initiatives, and Prospects”. Dr. Rola is one of the editors and the book will be published by Springer Publishing Co. We are also working on a book writing project entitled “Restoring Laguna De Bay: A Vital Natural Resource in Crisis” led by Dr. Espaldon. Laguna de Bay lake is the largest lake in the Philippines that has become vulnerable to the adverse effects of natural calamities and human activities.
Dr. Rola and I were also involved in a national project on ‘Strengthening Governance of Irrigation in the Philippines: Technical and Institutional Evaluation of Selected National and Communal Irrigation Systems and Characterization of Irrigation Sector Governance Structure’. Over the last decade, I was also engaged in cross-country studies on climate change adaptation with Asian countries such as Cambodia, Myanmar, Lao PDR under the SUMERNET/SEI; and with Thailand, Vietnam, China, under IDRC.
For any inquiry, here is my email address:
From left to right: Ms. Dulce D. Elazegui (ELP 2003); Dr. Merlyne M. Paunlagui (ELP 2013); Dr. Agnes C. Rola (ELP 2001) with research partners from the local government and academe.