William Rosenzweig
Faculty DirectorSustainable Food Initiative, BerkeleyHaas
Founding DeanThe Food Business School

William B. Rosenzweig was founding CEO (and Minister of Progress) of The Republic of Tea, an award-winning specialty tea company that is credited with creating the premium tea category in the United States. As an entrepreneur and investor, he has been involved in Odwalla, Trinity Springs, Winetasting.com, Yummly, and Brand New Brands, a functional food incubator he founded in 2004. In November 2014, Will joined forces with The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) to launch The Food Business School (FBS), the CIA’s center for executive and graduate education. As Founding Dean of The Food Business School of The Culinary Institute of America, Will worked with industry experts to create specialized programs that enable and empower entrepreneurs to design, deliver, and lead transformative innovations that address the world’s most pressing food challenges—and its greatest business opportunities. Will is co-author of The Republic of Tea: How an Idea Becomes a Business, which was named one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time. His work has been profiled in The Wall Street Journal, Sound Money, Business Week, USA Today, and the San Francisco Chronicle.
Will is also founding managing partner of Physic Ventures, the first venture capital firm dedicated to investing in keeping people healthy, where he has supported innovative early-stage companies including Revolution Foods, Pharmaca, Recyclebank, Novomer, Gazelle, EnergyHub, Watersmart, and Yummly. Based in San Francisco, the firm’s strategy is to capitalize on major economic, social, and political trends that shape health and sustainability. Since 1999, Will has served on the faculty of the Haas School of Business at University of California, Berkeley, where he initiated and taught the first MBA courses in Social Entrepreneurship and Social Venture Development. Will continues to serve as Chairman of the advisory board to the Global Social Venture Competition. He has been a Price Kauffman Fellow and a visiting faculty member at London Business School.