Yixiang Xu
Research Leader and Supervisory Research Food TechnologistUSDA
Dr. Yixiang Xu is currently a Supervisory Research Food Technologist and Research Leader of the Healthy Processed Foods Research Unit of Agricultural Research Service (ARS) at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Prior to joining USDA-ARS, Dr. Xu served as a tenured Full Professor of Food Science at Agriculture Research Station of Virginia State University. Her research interests include development of novel technologies for processing, utilization, and value addition to crops and waste products while addressing sustainability, safety, security and human health challenges. Dr. Xu has authored 100 publications, including 75 peer-reviewed high-impact research papers with 47 as first or corresponding author, and has co-authored three invited book chapters. Based on Google Scholar, Dr. Xu’s publications have been cited over 4,100 times by peers worldwide with an h-index of 31. Dr. Xu has secured more than $13.0 million in highly competitive extramural grants. Dr. Xu has mentored or co-advised 11 Ph.D. and M.S. students. Because of her numerous groundbreaking contributions, outstanding achievements, and significant research impact in the field of sustainable food processing and packaging, Dr. Xu has solidified her reputation as an internationally acclaimed scientist.