Mediterranean ELPers Reunite at CIHEAM – IAM of Bari, Italy

by Dr. Noureddin Driouech (ELP 2012), Italy From March 15th to 21st, 2015, Khaled Sassi, an ELP 2014 alumnus from Tunisia, visited CIHEAM-IAM of Bari for a one-week collaboration under the framework of a research study on Mediterranean Food Waste and Losses (FWL) – The Case of Tunisia. Founded in 1962, the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) is an intergovernmental organization including 13 Mediterranean member countries. L’Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo di Bari (IAM-Bari) was established by CIHEAM as its Italian operating facility. Specifically, the research work (Public Open Consultation) aimed to gather and process data on the amount of food that is wasted by Mediterranean households as well as the estimates of the financial costs of that waste. Furthermore, the study attempts to investigate the effects of food management approaches and household member behavior on food waste. As part of the research, Khaled met Noureddin Driouech, an ELP 2012 alumnus, and discussed and exchanged ideas about future events that could be realized in the Mediterranean and African regions.